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John Henry Hammers His Way Into App Store

John Henry Hammers His Way Into App Store

October 16, 2010
Ruckus Media Group has just released an amazing new app that works with both the iPhone/iPod touch and the iPad. John Henry is a delightful tale for readers of all ages. The app tells the story of Big John Henry and his hammer, which is “faster than any machine, (and) belongs in every child’s memory." The story and song of an American folk hero in the days of the railroad honors proud and hard workers everywhere.

According to Wikipedia:
The truth about John Henry as the strongest man alive is obscured by time and myth, but one legend has it that he was a slave born in Missouri in the 1840s and fought his notable battle with the steam hammer along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway in Talcott, West Virginia. A statue and memorial plaque have been placed along a highway south of Talcott as it crosses over the tunnel in which the competition may have taken place.
The John Henry app includes:
  • The classic story which you can read to your child
  • The Parent Choice Gold Award video of the same name
  • Oscar-winner Denzel Washington telling the story with music performed by Blues legend B.B. King.

You can even record your voice reading the story to your child. The story is inspiring and the app is worth the $3.99 price. The best part is the included video which is full of great music and colorful drawings. John Henry is one of three apps released today from the Ruckus Media Group. The other two are Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.

Mentioned apps

John Henry
John Henry
Ruckus Media Group
Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Ruckus Media Group
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed
Ruckus Media Group
Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Ruckus Media Group
John Henry
John Henry
Ruckus Media Group
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed
Ruckus Media Group