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Rumor: 7 inch iPad Already Produced By Apple

Rumor: 7 inch iPad Already Produced By Apple

October 11, 2010
Rumor has it that when the 9.7 inch iPad was unveiled last January, Apple also produced a smaller 7 inch iPad model, which was never released to the public. Why weren’t both models made available for sale in April? And, does this tell us something about the future direction for the iPad? The Loop said that the initial reason is something that only Steve Job knows for sure. Perhaps it was so people wouldn't compare it to the iPhone/iPod touch. Or maybe he didn't want to confuse people with having to choose from two different sizes for a new tablet device. Now, however, with the iPad a resounding success, another model isn’t even necessary. The Loop said:
With other companies releasing their 7-inch tablets, you may wonder why Apple doesn’t push its device out the door. I think the answer to that is quite simple — they don’t have to release it.
The iPad is the one of the best selling devices in history. Why would Apple need to release a smaller version to compete in a market it owns. It doesn’t.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple announces both a 9.7 inch and 7 inch second generation iPad in January. Yet, don’t be surprised if Apple forgoes having two different models once again, just like they did this year. At least one blogger believes that the only  iPad version will in fact, be a 7 inch model. I hope this isn't the case. I love the 9.7 inch model and by making future versions of the iPad smaller, the public could definitely become confused. But, who knows what the truth is; these are all just rumors. If Apple does release a smaller sized model, know that it had been developed long ago and prototypes of it are sitting in a secure location in Cupertino, California. What do you think? Should Apple release two different sized models of its second generation iPad? Let us know using the comments below.