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AppAdvice Gets More Social - Facebook Like Button & New Fan Page

AppAdvice Gets More Social - Facebook Like Button & New Fan Page

November 5, 2010
As cutting edge as we see ourselves in the world of mobile applications, we've realized this week we're nothing short of laggards when it comes to our social media presence; namely Facebook. Therefore, we've decided to get in on the second floor of the social bandwagon and give our website a bit of Facebook love. For starters, we now have a new Facebook "like" button at the bottom left of each post. With just a click, it will allow you to easily share all of our wonderful stories with your Facebook friends. Just like you already can inside our iPhone app. We invite you to use it as much as you can. That's not all. We also gave a slight refresh to our Facebook Fan Page. "Liking" it, will very conveniently provide you with all our great stories directly in your Facebook feed. This, as well as maybe some exclusive giveaways and such. Check it out now over at:
That's it for today's shameless plug. Any suggestions?

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