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Google Instant Now Available For Mobile Devices

November 5, 2010
Google continues to improve their search engine as they try to remain ahead of Microsoft’s Bing. In September, they unveiled Google Instant capabilities for the desktop. This enhancement displays suggested results while the user types. Now, this feature is available for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. Currently in beta, Google Instant for mobile devices is not turned on by default. To activate the feature, simply go to on your Apple device. From there, select “Turn On.”

Google has released the following how-to video:

According to the Official Google Blog:

With Google Instant on mobile, we’re pushing the limits of mobile browsers and wireless networks. You will probably notice a big improvement in speed when you search thanks to a new AJAX and HTML5 implementation for mobile that dynamically updates the page with new results and eliminates the need to load a new page for each query.
Google Instant makes searching on the mobile web a lot quicker. You should definitely check it out.

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