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Inconsistencies: iPhones & iPads Not Equal When It Comes To Mailing Your Pictures

Inconsistencies: iPhones & iPads Not Equal When It Comes To Mailing Your Pictures

November 29, 2010
We thought iOS 4.2.1 was pretty much the same on both the iPhone/iPod touch and the iPad. We may have been wrong. The arrival of iOS 4 limited the number of photos a user could copy at one time using the iPhone's Photo app to five. If you attempt to copy a sixth photo, the "copy" button becomes grayed out. This limit remains in iOS 4.2.1, but only on the iPhone. On the iPad, the restriction isn't there. For some reason the iPad, even on iOS 4, does not have this restriction. The iOS 4.2.1 update allows iPad users to copy an unlimited number of photos.

On both devices, five remains the number of photos you are able to email to someone from within the Photo app, just like with earlier iOS versions. But, even here, something strange occurs. On the iPad, you can select an unlimited number of photos to copy and then paste them into an email. On the iPhone due to its copying restriction, you cannot do the same. This doesn't make sense. The iPhone 4 has more memory than the iPad, so that shouldn't be an issue. Why would Apple allow unlimited copying on one device but not another? What do you think? Leave your comments below.

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