Printopia Adds Some Cool New Functionality To AirPrint
by Tim Chaten
November 24, 2010
Recently we told you how to return AirPrint functionality to the Mac. Now it seems that Apple's pulling of official support may be a good thing after all. Ecamm may not have created Printopia if AirPrint worked right out of the box.
Printopia is a pretty amazing utility for the Mac. Printopia installs as a system preference pane. Once the preference pane is installed you will be able to share your printers with your iOS devices. Printopia also creates two new “virtual” printers. The first virtual printer enables you to “print” directly to your Dropbox folder. The other virtual printer lets you “print” directly to your Mac.
When you print directly to your Mac the photo or PDF opens in Preview. Printopia has become the easiest and fastest way to share photos between an iOS device and a Mac. In the past I’ve used tools like Pastebot to eliminate the need to email myself pictures. Now, with Printopia I can simply print to my Mac and a second later it shows up in Preview.
Printopia is ingenious, and I cannot see using a Mac without it installed from now on. Printopia is available from Ecamm for $10.
What other virtual printers would come in handy for Printopia? Let us know in the comments below!