QuickAdvice: Get OTA Task Syncing With SpeedTask

SpeedTask ($4.99) by devLUX is a fast to-do app that provides a necessary feature - over-the-air cloud syncing.
I know, there are tons of to-do apps in the App Store. We've reviewed plenty of them. This one is a bit different - unlike the other to-do app with OTA cloud syncing - Tasks Touch, SpeedTask has a web app that allows you to manage your tasks from 'the cloud.'
On the initial launch, SpeedTask will come with 7 tasks for you to do in order to get adjusted to the app. Go over these, and then tap that gear icon to go to the settings, where you can create your free SpeedTask Cloud account. Enter an email and password, and toggle that switch to ON, and you're set to sync! Also, change the display font from one of the three there: Marker Felt, Helvetica, or Georgia.
Tasks will be displayed on a cork board interface, where the tasks will appear on pieces of paper taped up on said cork board. I'm not a huge cork board fan, but I suppose that this adds a homely touch to the app.

Note the scrolling bar at the bottom with dates. The centered date is the current date, or one you've selected. If there are any tasks that are due on that day, there will be a small number badge on the icon that will notify you of how many upcoming tasks there are to complete. This is a great visual for seeing your tasks at-a-glance.
Adding tasks is pretty simple, as it's just typing in the top bar where it says 'enter new task.' Simply type it in and then hit 'Done' on the keyboard - ta da, the task is added. If you need to change it, just tap and hold it and the app will allow you to change the task.
Additionally, if you tap on a task, you can select one of three priority levels for the task. These are called 'tags' and help you organize your tasks based on priority. Highest level is indicated by the border with large, red dashes. Medium level is with smaller red dashes, and low is no border. The final option for a task is to put it off another day with that icon of a calendar with tomorrow's date on it.
Unfortunately, I found a problem with using that procrastination button - if you change your mind and want to move it back to the original day or even earlier, there isn't a way to do that. SpeedTask only allows you to put it off but not put it back to the original day. I hope that the developer sees this shortcoming and has a fix in future updates.
When a task is complete, just tap that check box and it gets stamped with a nice big "DONE!" and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you knocked out a task for the day.
A number badge will be displayed on the app icon. This number badge will show up on the homescreen and multitasking dock - always reminding you how many tasks you have due today.
The web app is pretty simple and straightforward - 12 days are displayed at a time with a number indicating how many tasks are due each day. There's an area to enter a new task and assign it a priority level. Any current tasks for a selected day will be displayed at the bottom half, also showing priority and options to trash or put it off a day. Again, no option to put a task back a day.

This is a pretty decent and simple to-do app with what's been missing from most of the other to-do apps: OTA syncing with a web-app, not expensive desktop software. I just have a few problems, namely the lack of being able to put a task back a day if you change your mind.
I also noticed that when I added multiple tasks that alternating tasks would sometime show up in a different font than the one I selected. For example, if I had Helvetica selected, tasks would alternate between the Helvetica and Georgia font. I'm not sure if this was a glitch, it's nothing major, but I was a bit confused.
If you're looking for a to-do app with OTA syncing and a nice web app, this one is pretty good. I would find this pretty useful for people that have tasks to share between one another - use one account and share tasks, like parents.
The price seems a bit high for what it does though. A more reasonable price would be $2-3, but that's just my opinion. Still worth checking out though.