QuickAdvice: TextPics - Creative SMS Art for iPhone Texting - Plus, Win a Promo Code!

TextPics - Creative SMS Art for iPhone Texting ($0.99) by FTW Innovations is a fun app for expressing yourself creatively in your texts and emails. Send elaborate symbol pictures, emotes, symbols, type upside down, and more. Create your own textpics and not only can you use them yourself, but your creations just may show up in the next update! TextPics is committed to keeping this app fresh by updating the app every couple of weeks.

TextPics’ welcome screen includes a list of all the textpic categories, such as Animals, Celebration, Halloween, Food, People, Romance, Vehicles, Japanese (exotic emotes), Emotes (text to any phone), Symbols, UpsideDown, and more. At the bottom, you’ll also see options to go to your Favorites or your Recents. In addition, you can tap Create to make your OWN textpics. From there you have the option to just save it for yourself, or submit it to the TextPics servers for possible use in a future update.
If you want to text the textpics, you must send to another iDevice to get good results for all of them. Of course, iPod Touch users will need to have a third party texting app installed in order to use TextPics. The emotes, however, can be sent to ANY cell phone. They can also be copied and pasted to Facebook or Twitter.
Keep in mind, you can simply copy the textpics to the clipboard, and then use them in other apps, such as email, and send them to anyone.
The developer tells me a big update is coming soon, probably by the end of the week! The next update will have new categories: Weapons and Thanksgiving due to customer requests. Also, Upsidedown will be changed to Crazy Texts, which will add something new called Slashes and seventeen additional styles that will available for in-app purchase. The update will also contain in-app posting to Twitter and your Facebook wall for Emotes, Japanese Emotes, and Crazy Text. You cannot post the other textpics from any app to Facebook or Twitter b/c of how Facebook and Twitter format their posts -- there is nothing any developer can do about that.
If simple emoticons just aren’t enough; if you like textpics, symbols, crazy text, and emotes, this is THE definitive app. Try out the free version for a taste, and enter win one of 10 promo codes for the full version! Simply comment below for your chance to win. Contest ends November 9 at 2:00 EST. Good luck!