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Rapid Review: Buck And The Coin Of Destiny - GameStop Bunny Gets His Own Game

Rapid Review: Buck And The Coin Of Destiny - GameStop Bunny Gets His Own Game

November 7, 2010
Buck and the Coin of Destiny by GameStop icon

Buck and the Coin of Destiny ($0.99) by GameStop If you've even seen one of those recent GameSpot commercials with the bunny Buck in classic gaming environments then you know what to expect with Buck and The Coin of Destiny. The game is a mix of a platformer and casual endless game though it's closer to casual endless like Canabalt. Buck runs automatically and you tap the screen to jump or twice to double jump.

Buck and the Coin of Destiny by GameStop screenshot

There are actual conclusions to each of the five levels so it's not endless. There is the main story mode which is quite hilarious, and once you complete a level in the story you can play it in arcade mode which is endless. You jump through randomly generated levels in a forest, volcano, castle, and more avoiding enemies and collecting coins.

There are a couple of power-ups including invisibility where Buck gets in appropriate costume of the area, and can plow through enemies. You have heart points that you lose for each enemy you touch, but when you fall in a gap it's game over which is definitely disheartening. It would be great if a fall in a gap would just cost a heart point, and you can keep going rather than restarting the level.

Buck and the Coin of Destiny by GameStop screenshot

The level set-ups aren't the best as you never now how long until the finish, and as stated can lose with one mis-jump. It would help with some type of checkpoints or any kind of indication when a level ends. Since your character runs automatically you need to be quick with tapping to jump because the game doesn't offer the most precision.

It's an engaging run through the various environments, and does a good job of adding levels and story to the causal endless style game while still giving you a separate mode for the casual endless style. The game is packed with style and humor which Buck and the commercials are known for. There is OpenFeint and Game Center for online high scores and achievements to keep you coming back beyond the short-lived story.

Buck and the Coin of Destiny isn't the most complex app, but it's a quality fun title that is worth $0.99.

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Buck and the Coin of Destiny
Buck and the Coin of Destiny
Buck and the Coin of Destiny
Buck and the Coin of Destiny

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