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Gorillaz' New "Made-On-An-iPad" Album Now Available Online

Gorillaz' New "Made-On-An-iPad" Album Now Available Online

December 25, 2010
Gorillaz' new, entirely iPad-produced album, "The Fall" has (as previously announced), been released. It is now available to stream from their official site. If you want to check out what a well known band can pull off using your favorite iDevice, just head over to the band's official website over at There you can access the entire last album in streaming form, in exchange for some private data, and I believe a subscription to a few newsletters. According to iSpazio it's not 100 percent iPad as they did end up adding some real world instruments in the end. That probably didn't help much, as the result is particularly, let's say, original. Nevertheless, it's a great project and they pulled it off. This once again goes to show that the iPad is without a doubt, the future of computing. Here is one of their video clips, check it out, and tell us what you think in the comments:

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