AppAdvice Live! #1 - It Begins! - Now Available For Download
by Tim Chaten
February 18, 2011
Thursday night’s AppAdvice Live! was a big hit. Those unable to catch it live can now download it. The show is available to download or stream on our Talkshoe page. We are working on improving the sound quality and are aware of the issue. If you have any feedback on the podcast you can email the host, Tim at or tweet @AppAdviceLive.
We had a lively discussion on the Verizon iPhone, in-app subscriptions, iPhone 5 rumors, MobileMe rumors, and movie apps.
There were also some fantastic picks given by the panelists. We have compiled them here for your enjoyment!
Accessory Picks: M-Edge Go Jacket, Speakal iPig, PowerSupport AnitGlare Film for iPad, ZooGoo Case for iPad, iPad Case by Apple, Elago L2 Stand, Elago M2 Stand, and the Naja King Form
App Picks: Audible App, Fruit Ninja, iPod app, Safari, YouTube App, Wikipedia Mobile, Splashtop for iPad, Tilt To Live, Flipboard (with a twist), Naturespace, Reeder for iPad, AppAdvice App, NoteShelf for iPad, Altered States, Amplitude, NumPad, and TuneInRadio
We will be back at it next Thursday at 7 p.m. PST/10 p.m. EST. To join in on the call and chat room simply sign up with Talkshoe.
Let us know if there are any interesting topics you’d like us to discuss next week in the comments!