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AppAdvice Passes 10,000 Posts - Thank You

February 7, 2011
Earlier today, AppAdvice passed an important milestone. According to our WordPress, which powers most of our site, we just passed the 10,000 posts milestone. Incredible, right? We just celebrated our 5000th post last May and the rate keeps accelerating. Over the last couple weeks, we ramped up our team to give the site the means to serve you the best we can. All our writers dedicate their lives to bring you everything you need to know to help you get the very best of your iDevices. They're amazing people, who often have other jobs and many other responsibilities. Yet, they all have the passion to find time and come share some of their knowledge. It's really great. Anyway, we've come a long way folks, and we're really humbled by your incredible support and readership. So from the bottom of our hearts; thank you.

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