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AppAdvice Live #6 Available To Download - Special International Edition Tomorrow!

March 25, 2011
Last night’s AppAdvice Live! is now available for download. You can download the show in iTunes or by adding it to your podcasting client of choice. During the podcast we discussed AT&T buying T-Mobile, iPad 2 and the competition, AirPlay video coming to more devices, apps of the week and much more. In celebration of the international launch of the iPad 2 we are hosting another episode tomorrow! That’s right the very first “international edition” of AppAdvice Live! is tomorrow. We will be starting at 7 A.M. PDT/10 A.M. EDT, which is 3 P.M. GMT. The big topic tomorrow will be the launch of iPad 2. We will be talking apps and other Apple news as well. All are welcome to join, but this episode is truly for those that live outside the United States. To participate in the chat room or to call in you will need to sign up for a free account at Talkshoe. Once you sign up you can call in using your iPhone. We have also had great success using the app WhistlePhone for the iPad and iPhone. To call in dial (724) 444-7444, enter the show ID (94639) and enter your specialized pin. If you don’t feel like calling in we would love to have you in the chat room. Since the number is long distance for people outside the United States we are offering a free way to join the call. You can call for free using Skype. Simply add “tchaten” to your Skype friend list and we will add you to the Skype conference call, which is linked up with Talkshoe. Click on this link to visit our Talkshoe page and join the show tomorrow. Let us know (in the comments below) what big international topics you’d like us to discuss tomorrow.

Mentioned apps

Whistle Phone
Vail Systems, Inc.

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