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Onavo Helps Eliminate Data Download Concerns For Good

April 30, 2011
Carrier-introduced data limits are not fun, especially when going over those limits lead to a hefty cell phone bill. However, help has arrived. The Onavo app for the iPhone help users regain control of their data usage and save money in the process. As carriers eliminate unlimited data plans, consumers need to be aware of the amount of data they download on a monthly basis or suffer the consequences. Think of Onavo as the iPhone’s new build-in data cost saver. It works by connecting the handset to a cloud-based technology called “the magical shrinking machine” by its creators. Once installed, Onavo works in the background and compresses the amount of data a user downloads, which is almost like doubling or tripling the amount of data available. It is primarily used to save data for when a user surfs the web, emails, tweets or uses a map. Along the way, the app records the amount and type of data saved in real time. In other words, you can actually see the amount of data being saved, which is very cool. Take a look at this video:

Although Onavo targets users traveling abroad who face roaming charges, it works whenever an iPhone connects to a 3G network, so everyone can benefit from it. However, the app isn’t all-inclusive. For the time being, for example, it works only with downloaded data, not media streaming or VoIP apps like YouTube or Skype. Still, we found Onavo very reliable in our limited tests. And no, the service did not appear to slowdown the speed of our downloads.  Best of all, you’ve got nothing to lose since the app is free. The free Onavo app is available in the App Store. What do you think? Leave your comments below.

Mentioned apps

Onavo - save data, stretch your data plan when roaming and at home
Onavo Mobile Ltd.

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