AppAdvice Live! #11 - Tonight - 5 P.M. PDT
by Tim Chaten
April 28, 2011
AppAdvice Live! is starting at 5 P.M. PDT/8 P.M. EDT on You can join us in the chat room. We would be happy to answer any questions you have during the show.
Topics of the week include the White iPhone 4 release, why China doesn't get the 3G iPad 2, Apple's answers to location scares, TomTom selling location info to the government, Apple buying iCloud name, the Nook Color update, as well as new apps and our picks of the week.
Joining us on today's show will be Bryan Wolfe and A.T. Faust III.
To participate in the chat room simply head over to and signup for a free account or you could chat with us as a guest (no account needed).
Head on over and join AppAdvice Live tonight!