The Line HD Updated To Version 2.0 With 100 New Levels
by Mike Lata
April 13, 2011
The Line HD by Ant Hive Games is a great puzzle game for the iPad with surprisingly deep gameplay. The game's many levels should provide plenty of fun and challenge, but with this recent update you may not want to ever take the app off your iPad.
The 100 new levels include 50 easy levels for casual players and 50 harder levels for those of you who want to really test your patience and skills. The update also includes new art, navigation, achievements plus leader boards, and camera panning.
Although this update is for the iPad version, an iPhone version of The Line also existed on the App Store until recently; but as of this post it got pulled. Maybe Ant Hive Games is also updating it for the other iDevices or the developer simply decided to concentrate on the HD version -- who knows.
The game's premise is based around a character named Eddy who slides along lines that you must erase or connect via endpoints. To guide Eddy, you must also avoid hazards and enemies, and guide Eddy to the exit while collecting blue orbs. The exits open up when five of the seven orbs are grabbed per level.
The game has a lot of atmosphere and a variety of things to do. Not only do you erase and draw endpoints, but you can freeze or burn eddy to slow and hasten him along the line. You can even fling him across certain platforms to make him jump over obstacles. There is a lot to do in this game although it may look and feel simple at first..
The Line HD is available for $1.99, now on the Apple App Store.