Wondering If It Will Be A Good Or Bad Hair Day? Check Out Humidity Dial

Humidity Dial ($0.99) by Code Stork, LLC Don’t take humidity for granted! If you are a bit of a weather buff as I am, the humidity is important. There is more than just a bad hair day at stake; Humidity Dial gives helpful information about how your plants will grow, the effect on animals and sign of the weather yet to come.

Humidity measures the water vapor that is in the air. It is helpful to know where the humidity level is at so you know if it is going to be foggy, rainy, or whether you should mow your lawn or go for a run. The more humid it is, the more it reduces the effectiveness of sweating, which can lead to health problems. Besides all this, humidity can affect certain plants, animals, woodwork and even our electronic devices. If the humidity level is 100%, using your iPhone for a prolonged time outside may cause it to malfunction.

Humidity Dial allows you to check the humidity, so you know what to expect when you step outside. The interface is quite nostalgic as it uses a retro, old-fashioned face. It is very realistic and looks like something that belongs in my father’s office. Humidity Dial will refresh every 15 minutes, and every 5 miles you travel when you are on the move. There is also a feature in this app that pulls up the National Weather Service Relative Humidity (%) Map. You can select a time of day and the map will show the predicated humidity level for that specific time. The iPad version shows both the humidity dial and the NWS map at the same time on the screen. The iPhone flips back and forth between those options, depending what you would like displayed.
If you like the retro dial on this app, check out Thermometer HD by the same developer. It is simply a classic looking thermometer with a sun and moon face, which also displays the current outside temperature. You can set it to Fahrenheit or Celsius.
These are both very simple apps for your iPhone of iPad. They do not have any secret tricks or fancy features. Humidity Dial gives you the relative humidity and Thermometer HD gives you the current temperature. That is it. If you are a minimalist, these apps are for you!