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Blast Your Way Through The Sea With Laser Dolphin

Blast Your Way Through The Sea With Laser Dolphin

May 16, 2011
Laser Dolphin by Dingo Games icon

Laser Dolphin ($0.99) by Dingo Games is an exciting adventure through the depths of the sea. With almost every animal being exploited for the use of a cute iOS game, it's nice to see something more exciting. In this title players control a clever dolphin through the ocean, but what makes this more exciting is the laser strapped to your back. However, you're not the only sea creature with a weapon. As you fight your way to the finish of every level you'll encounter aggressive turtles as well as torpedo shooting piranhas and much more.

Laser Dolphin by Dingo Games screenshot

The game appears simple from the main menu, but as you begin to navigate your way through it quickly becomes more elaborate. Players can choose from up to three game modes, action, stunt, and race. Of the three, action probably follows closest to a story line. While racing is strictly time and direction oriented, stunt is geared towards specific task. Each of them still grants you access to the games entire selection of levels. Levels are unlocked one by one and cannot be skipped ahead. This might annoy anxious players but it does allow the game to be enjoyed more. Even though you can't skip levels, this shouldn't stop players from unlocking the final levels. All of the levels are fast and can be defeated quickly.

The controls follow the theme as far as simplicity goes. In the bottom left corner players have a virtual directional pad that can be tapped in any direction. This is used to navigate your character while firing the laser requires an additional tap on the screen. There isn't any aiming mechanism; players can only tap in the direction they wish to fire their laser. In the future the developers should consider the option of changing which side the directional pad is located on. This could make gameplay for right or left handed users much better.

As players progress through the levels they will notice in increase in enemies and land mines. The paths will also become narrower and require more firepower to pass through. Each level becomes more challenging and at no point does it ever feel repetitive. For a simple game this is great, much more than I was personally expecting.

Overall for $.99 anyone can enjoy this entertaining game. Even though it follows the idea of using a "cute" animal as the main character, something about firing a laser strapped to your back distracts your mind from that. Whether you’re blasting fish away or rushing to beat your best time, check this one out in the App Store.

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Laser Dolphin
Laser Dolphin
Dingo Games

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