A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card With A Retweet Or Comment
May 25, 2011
AppAdvice has teamed up with PunchBox, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of three $10 iTunes Gift Cards, which can be used towards in-app purchases in PunchBox's infinitely playable fishing game, Fishing Joy, or anything else your heart desires.
Fishing Joy is a great little time waster for those of you who like the idea of catching colorful fish but don't want to go through the hassle of it all in real life.
In Fishing Joy, you start out as an amateur fisherman with a set of seven fishing nets which you can cast out of a mounted cannon by simply tapping on the screen. Each of your seven nets is larger than the next, but the larger ones will set you back more coins per cast.
Since your tools aren't exactly top-notch in the beginning of the game, you'll generally only be able to gather the small fish contained within the boundaries of the net while the larger ones will wriggle free. That's alright though, because fishing is all about patience, and the more fish you catch the more coins you'll earn, allowing you to eventually upgrade your net and make it stronger.
Each of the 11 kinds of fish have a different coin value, ranging from a single coin all of the way up to 100. You'll also be awarded with five additional coins for every minute that goes by while playing the game, and 20 coins per hour while away. If your skills just aren't up to par and you cast too many nets without any results, you can purchase additional coins in-app for anywhere from $.99 to $99.99. Let's just say you'll have to do a whole lot of fishing to burn through all of those coins.
Fishing Joy features a nifty little aquarium mode that will get rid of the HUD and allow you to fully enjoy the scenery. It also features a special fishing weapon that's awarded after certain coin intervals, upbeat music, and Game Center integration.
To have a chance at winning one of our three $10 iTunes Gift Cards provided by PunchBox, simply download either the iPhone or iPad version of Fishing Joy free of charge, take it for a spin, and then just tell us what you like most about the experience. It can be anything at all since our three winners will be chosen at random.
We'll select one winner via Twitter (make sure to still let us know what you liked most about Fishing Joy) and two via the comments section below. All entries must be received by 11:59 PM PDT tonight (May 25th). Only one entry per person per method is allowed.
This giveaway is only open to our U.S. readers.