A Chance To Win A SongCatcher Promo Code With A Retweet Or Comment
May 31, 2011
AppAdvice has teamed up with John Vella Music in order to offer you a chance to win one of five promo codes for SongCatcher ($4.99) for iPhone and iPod touch.
SongCatcher is a fully functional mobile recording studio for iPhone and iPod touch. It's perfect for both professional and amateur musicians since it features two separate interfaces, making it remarkably easy to capture musical ideas while away from the studio.
SongCatcher's Project Mode features an interface that's similar to conventional music software, providing you with instant access to all of the app's controls and functions. The Simple Mode is intended for the novices out there who have never worked with music software. It allows you to jump right in to the music creating process with little to no hassle.
The app is absolutely loaded with features, but the main ones are outlined below:
- 10 layers of recording
- MIDI editor and exporter
- Audio recording through either the built-in mic or external input (like IK's iRig)
- Resizable keyboard
- 10 included instruments with more available via in-app purchase
- Ability to export mixes in various formats via email