Popular iOS Apps And Games On Sale For A Limited Time
May 6, 2011
Not sure what to get your geeky mom for Mother's Day? How about one of the many apps and games that are on sale from the massive list below? While you're at it, make sure to get a little something for yourself. We have everything from seek and find games to art creation apps for iPhone and iPad.
As always, an “*” next to a title indicates that this is its lowest price ever. Most of the sale prices should last through the weekend, but download what you want when you have a chance today just to be safe.
iPhone:- Inspire - Paint, Draw & Sketch ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Skyfire Web Browser ($2.99 -> $1.99)
- WeatherPro ($3.99 -> $1.99)
- Inspire Pro - Paint, Draw & Sketch ($7.99 -> $.99)
- Splashtop Remote Desktop for iPad ($4.99 -> $2.99)
- Skyfire Web Browser for iPad ($4.99 -> $3.99)
iPhone:- *Soccer Superstars 2011 Pro ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Race After 1977 ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Atlantis Sky Patrol ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Rainbow Web II ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Hockey Nations 2011 Pro ($1.99 -> $.99)
- Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima ($1.99 -> $.99)
- *Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors ($4.99 -> $.99)
- *Awakening: The Dreamless Castle ($4.99 -> $.99)
- *Big City Adventure - San Francisco ($4.99 -> $.99)
- *Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror ($4.99 -> $.99)
- *Puppetshow: Mystery of Joyville ($3.99 -> $.99)
- Azada ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Buckingham Palace: Hidden Mysteries ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Civil War: Hidden Mysteries ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Virtual Villagers - A New Home ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Everest: Hidden Expedition ($4.99 -> $.99)
- Megaplex Madness - Now Playing ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Isaac Newton's Gravity ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Pool Pro Online 3 ($1.99 -> $.99)
- Ms. PAC-MAN ($4.99 -> $1.99)
- PAC-MAN ($4.99 -> $1.99)
- More Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima ($4.99 -> $1.99)
- Amazon: Hidden Expedition ($4.99 -> $.99)
- *Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors HD ($9.99 -> $.99)
- *Puppetshow: Mystery of Joyville HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Azada HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Buckingham Palace: Hidden Mysteries HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Awakening: The Dreamless Castle HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Drawn: The Painted Tower HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Nick Chase: A Detective Story HD $.99)
- *Ancient Spirits: Columbus' Legacy ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Everest: Hidden Expedition HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *Empress of the Deep: The Darkest Secret HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- *A Witch's Curse: Princess Isabella HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- Megaplex Madness - Now Playing HD ($6.99 -> $.99)
- Pool Pro Online 3 for iPad ($1.99 -> $.99)
- Family Feud Decades HD ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Where's Waldo? HD -The Fantastic Journey ($2.99 -> $.99)
- Minigore HD ($2.99 -> $1.99)
- PAC-MAN for iPad ($4.99 -> $1.99)
- Ms. PAC-MAN for iPad ($4.99 -> $1.99)