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While Apple Sleeps, Samsung Beats The iPhone in the UK

While Apple Sleeps, Samsung Beats The iPhone in the UK

June 10, 2011
Rumors have surfaced that the new Samsung Galaxy S II will debut in the US this July. With no announcement of an upcoming iPhone 5, there is speculation that Samsung may have a window of opportunity to convert current iPhone users to Android. Frequently, when a new Android phone comes out, comments are made about how it might be the iPhone killer. So far, no Android device has ever pulled this off.  However, to date, the Samsung Galaxy S II has outsold the iPhone 4 in the UK. If that's any indication it may give the iPhone an impressive run this summer. Samsung has designed this phone to look and feel similar to the iPhone. If you ask most iPhone users, this is an important feature. The first time you pick up an iPhone, you know something is different. Along with the look and feel, its specifications are certainly competitive and even go beyond the iPhone 5 in some areas. The Samsung sports a 4.3” Super AMOLED Plus Screen, Android 2.3 Gingerbread with TouchWiz 4.0, a 1GHZ processor, 1GB of RAM, dual core application processor, 8MP Camera, 1080P video and some models may support integrated NFC technology. Engadget wrote a detailed review on the UK version of the Samsung Galaxy S II if you would like to view the specs that are expected to be on the US version. Both Verizon and Sprint are rumored to be releasing the phone in July 2011. Much will depend on the patience level of iPhone fans, and if they will hold out for the latest technology. If anyone is on the fence between iOS and Android, this may be the time to jump. But since the iPhone has a powerful following, many will probably wait. It isn’t the first time Apple fanatics have waited in anticipation. It may be part of Apples’ marketing plan to build excitement around their new upcoming release. Personally, I have a hard time believing an Apple fan will give in to the Android phone. It is similar to the Mac/PC debate. Usually you have allegiance to one or the other. The Android experience is really unable to compete with the iPhone. The features, the App Store, and the intuitiveness of an iPhone cannot be beat.  I imagine Apple will have at least announced or leaked the release of the new iPhone 5 around the time the Samsung phone hits the market. I believe it will take more than a delay of a couple of months to win over very many iPhone users to Android.  

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