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Swap The Cards To Find The Matching Nerds In Nerd Girls The Game

Swap The Cards To Find The Matching Nerds In Nerd Girls The Game

June 25, 2011
Nerd Girls The Game by Milk Mug Publishing LLC icon

Nerd Girls The Game (Free) by Milk Mug Publishing LLC is a new app and game based on Disney Book Group's "Nerd Girls."

I would like to say that this app and game are more for younger girls. Probably more so for the tween crowd (I can't believe I just said tween), but due to some of the witty remarks and dry humor, I'm not sure this is the case. It is rated nine and up, though.

Nerd Girls The Game by Milk Mug Publishing LLC screenshot

Upon opening the app, I was greeted with an interesting boot up screen. This was only the beginning of the clever quirks in the app.

On the very next screen, there were bright colors and lots of knee socks. So far, so good. I like the sounds, other than the horrific, short buzz horn noise when clicking on the same card twice in the game or going back to the main screen from another. You'll see what I mean. It is truly ear-hating. Other than that, the music and sound effects are appropriate.

Although the app is chock full of information and features, the main appeal is the matching game. This isn't just your typical matching card game. You must match the nerd faces, but only with a card above, below, or to the left or right (no diagonal matching).

So, the challenge is that you must move the cards around — just press and drag, like app icons — hoping you can manage to get the correct matches next to each other. There wIll be one card left over with no match; this one is free to click and get rid of after you've found all the other matches.

Trust me, this is much easier than it looks. And once you find a correct match, you'll hear the nerd say something clever and humorous. Here is a taste of what you will hear, from the robotic dog included in the game: "Must eat all children. I mean...woof." This may be my favorite, though, most all of them made me snort and giggle.

If you find yourself owning the matching game, you can always up the challenge. This will give you a greater number of cards that you must match up. So, race against the clock and get all of the matches before your time is up.

Another section in the app includes "Meet the Nerds," where you can view their school ID cards. These cards include some basic information, along with some pretty hilarious "most likely to" quotes for each individual. You'll have to read them all; they're pretty amusing.

Nerd Girls The Game by Milk Mug Publishing LLC screenshot

Other than the game and ID cards, you can learn more about the developers and the book, "Nerd Girls: Rise of the Dorkasaurus" which is available most everywhere. Do this and more all inside the app itself.

The Nerd Girls app comes with full Game Center support and many interesting, and funny, features. For the nerdtastic price of FREE, you have nothing to lose. Although still seemingly aimed at a younger crowd, this app is pretty cute and clever. If you're a "she nerd" yourself, or know of a girl who is, this will surely make you chuckle.

Mentioned apps

Nerd Girls The Game
Nerd Girls The Game
Milk Mug Publishing LLC

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