Be The All-Powerful Traffic Director In Push-Cars

Push-Cars ($0.99) by RaLight Solutions'is a new puzzle game in which you assist Sparky, an eco-friendly car, in his quest to find a city in America that's not horribly polluted.
Your journey starts in New York City, where you must direct all the clean cars out of the downtown area without any crashes. The city is full of dirty cars, and your other goal is to make sure that the polluters crash into each other.
Sparky soon discovers that every urban area is equally or more polluted than the one before it and ends up visiting nine cities across America, including: Las Vegas, Miami, Houston, and San Francisco.

The levels start out rather simple, but as Sparky continues to head west, additional cars and elements are introduced. The nine different Push-Cars vary in speed and behavior, adding an additional challenge to the game.
In each level, there are several stationary cars facing random directions on the streets and intersections of a city. By tapping the cars, you can decide which way you want them to face. Tapping a red button in the top left corner will make all the cars move in the directions that you chose. In order to complete the level, all the clean cars must move off the screen without any damage, and all the dirty cars must crash in some way.
The game has 90 levels spread through nine American cities. You can earn up to three steering wheels per level depending on how fast you complete it. If you ever get stuck, you can use a hint to show the correct orientation of two cars. However, hints are rare, and you only get an additional one every five levels or so.
As you progress in the game, the levels will increase in complexity and difficulty. New elements, such as turn signs, night environments, and cable cars prove to be tough obstacles for Sparky. Push-Cars comes with Game Center leaderboards and 21 achievements, as well as Facebook and Twitter integration. The Retina display is supported and a themed soundtrack is also included.
Push-Cars is a simple puzzler that can be played with just a finger, making it great for any occasion. However, the game can get extremely difficult, especially if you're trying to earn three steering wheels on each level. The 90 levels in the game will take some time to complete and will definitely make you think. RaLight Solutions keeps the gameplay interesting with new Push-Cars, urban environments, and features.

One of the few problems with the game is its difficulty level and the lack of tips to go with it. You start out with three tips and earn another every five or six levels.
Additional tips are available via in-app purchase, and the insanity of the later cities makes it nearly impossible to solve a puzzle with more than one steering wheel. Even when they're used, tips only show the correct direction for two cars, which may or may not provide you with the assistance you need to complete a level.
The red button that's used to move the cars is also a bit annoying. Instead of putting the vehicles in motion instantly, tapping the red button brings up another set of buttons which can then be pressed to start the engines. This issue wastes a few seconds on each level, and fixing it in a future update would make Push-Cars more user-friendly.
If you enjoy puzzle games and the high level of patience that goes with them, you'll probably enjoy this game.