AppFresh Daily
Daily 2Do ($1.99, iPhone Only): Is a to-do list app for your iPhone. The app features a decent interface and allows you to set to-do priority levels, add reminders and add notes.
Loopcam (Free, iPhone Only): Allows you to create and loop GIF images on your iPhone. The app then lets you share your creations on Twitter, Facebook or their collaborative gallery.
My Drawing Book HD (Free, iPad Only): Is a drawing book for the iPad. The app features 48 different colors and a child-friendly user interface.
VideoNotes ($1.99, iPad Only): Is a unique way of leaving messages or notes while you're away. Just record your video messages, leave your iPad docked somewhere and as soon as someone interacts with the device, your message will be played.
Google+ (Free, iPhone Only): The much anticipated iPhone client for Google's new social network is finally here! The app lets you browse your Google+ stream, manage circles, make use of the huddle chat feature and more!
That’s it for today. Did we miss anything? Tell us in the comments!