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Star War Fans Get First Look At Blue-ray Release With New (& Free) iPad App

July 20, 2011
Fox Mobile Entertainment, Inc. has just released Star Wars Blu-Ray: Early Access for the iPad. The free app gives Star Wars fans a first look at the STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA Blu-ray release on September 16th. Offering amazing content for and about each of the six Star Wars chapters, the iPad app even offers users bonus materials that are featured in the Blue-ray set. Features include Interviews & Video Commentaries, a Concept Art Gallery, and a section called The Collection. The Collection is where you’ll find models of characters and vehicles from each movie. For example, from Episode IV: A New Hope, you are able to explore everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Y-wing Fighter. In the other hand, fans of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back will enjoy a model of the Rebel Cruiser. The app, which is only 17.8 MB, lets the user decide which features to download into the app. As such, an object is saved to your iPad’s drive automatically the first time you click on it. Thereafter, the file is available for offline viewing. These files are then available via the app’s Library selection. Star Wars Blu-Ray: Early Access is a phenomenal app and one that every fan should download today. Not only will the app get you in the mood for the upcoming Blu-ray release, but you’ll soon ask yourself why Lucas Films is releasing this app for free. Yes, it is that good. What do you think?

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Star Wars Blu-ray: Early Access
Fox Mobile Entertainment, Inc.

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