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What Would It Take To Break The Fastest Typing Record On The iPad?

What Would It Take To Break The Fastest Typing Record On The iPad?

July 11, 2011
The Guinness Book of World Records has been known for many great accomplishments such as the most people dressed as Smurfs, the world’s tallest dog and the largest Macarena dance. Now there is a new addition; it's the fastest typing of the English alphabet on the iPad keyboard. Last week, 15-year-old Eduard Saakashvili typed the alphabet in 5.26 seconds and shattered the previous record of 6.31 seconds. If you are up to the challenge and have a little extra time to practice, you too could be in the Guinness Book Of World Records.

All you need to do is shave a little time off the current record to get your certificate and title. Gumball Tech’s Brian Sweet says he has unofficially beat the record by over two seconds and it only took him about 25 minutes to get it down. So maybe this record is not very hard to beat. If you find it difficult to break the current iPad typing record, you may have another chance at fame. When iOS 5 comes out, Apple is introducing the option of a split keyboard.

This keyboard option will make typing easier if you want to hold your iPad and type at the same time. You will have to use your thumbs, but at least there is a solution instead of always putting your iPad on your lap or another surface to type. Once the new iOS 5 comes out, get ready to call in the judges, because no one has set the fastest typing record on the split keyboard yet, so you could be the first. Want more information on how to apply? Just follow this step-by-step checklist on the Guinness Book Of World Records website and you will be on your way! Oh, and in your big interview, don’t forget to tell them AppAdvice was your inspiration!  

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