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Aircraft System Provides Connectivity For Pilots Using iPads

Aircraft System Provides Connectivity For Pilots Using iPads

August 9, 2011
Aspen Avionics recently announced a new product for pilots called, Connected Panel. This includes hardware, software and an application. The device hooks into the aircraft avionics and pilots are able to access data through an app on their iPad. Many pilots have already been using their iDevices for flight plans, recording flight hours, and other management details. This new device is one of the first products to incorporate the iPad into the hardware of the aircraft. Connected Panel includes a CG100 box, which is installed behind the aircraft's instrument panel. It has a USB port and flash memory storage. This box connects wirelessly or via Bluetooth to the iPad. The whole setup costs under $2,500 which is cheaper than other current options on the market. An aircraft manager app from AVConnect is available for the iPad. This will download flight hours and aircraft performance data. This in turn can be sent to fleet and service managers. More applications which will work with Connected Panel are being developed. Aspen Avionics also hopes to further their innovation with third party apps. John Uczekaj, President and CEO of Aspen Avionics said:
We encourage and invite all hardware and application developers to push the boundaries of what’s possible in aircraft electronics to make flying safer, easier, more affordable, and more enjoyable.
Currently, Connected Panel is available for single and twin-engine propeller planes and some helicopters. This technology could eventually find its way into commercial airplanes as well.

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