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Apple’s Improving The Look Of The App Store

Apple’s Improving The Look Of The App Store

August 26, 2011
Apple is improving the look of its App Store, at least in certain locations. Recent visits to two areas of the Store, in particular, look significantly better, according to news first reported by The Next Web. A visit to the App Store’s Games and Education pages reveal an improved and familiar interface. Both include the large and ever-changing scrolling list of featured apps that have been a part of the Store’s main page for a while now. In addition, each section now includes a New & Noteworthy section, just like the Store’s main page. Take a look at the current Games page, which includes the improvements: Compare it to the current Music page, which hasn’t been changed. We anticipate Apple will eventually redress each of its categories in the App Store. From what we see so far, we like the improvements; how about you?

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