Brush Up On U.S. Presidents And More With American Presidents For iPad

American Presidents for iPad ($3.99) by Peripatetic puts American history at your fingertips. Despite the name, it covers a lot more than just U.S. Presidents.

Open the app and you are greeted with a detailed timeline of U.S. History, starring our presidents. The artwork is unusual -- personally I’m not in love with the “scary caricature” style used on the presidents. Other than that, the app is quite beautiful. At any rate, you can tap on any president for a detailed bio on that president, as well as a photo gallery, links to related articles within the app, and external links.
As you swipe through the timeline, you can tap on the events highlighted in red for more information. You’ll also notice icons along the bottom of the screen. Tap on the bottom left icon for a table of contents: Presidents, Events, Maps, Documents, Quiz, and more.
You can also tap on “Territory” to bring up a list of maps: Thirteen Colonies, Initial Expansion, Westward Expansion, Civil War, Gilded Age, and Twentieth Century. Or, tap “Documents” to bring up a list of famous documents, including The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution (and all its Amendments), and famous speeches ranging from Washington’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation up through George W. Bush’s 9/11 speech.
After you have brushed up on your U.S. Presidents, their speeches, major events in U.S. history, and maps, you can quiz yourself. There are eight multiple-choice quizzes to take, divided into sections: Early Republic, Secession, Gilded Age, Early Twentieth, and Late Twentieth.
If you are a student taking an American History course, or simply a history buff, you’ll want to check this useful app for your iPad.