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Civil War Part II: Why Mobile OS You Use Largely Determined By Location

August 6, 2011
A new U.S. survey suggests the type of smartphone you use largely depends on where you live. As such, iOS users tend to live in the north, while those using Android-based devices are more likely to live in the south, according to Jumptap. According to the Mobile STAT Report of 83 million unique users on the Jumptap mobile ad network, iOS dominance is largely contained in the Mid-West and New England areas. Android-based customers, meanwhile, dominate southern states such as Florida and Texas. However, before folks begin talk of another Civil War, the results of this survey don't suggest cell phone use breaks down entirely on the Mason-Dixon line. For example, iOS dominates in Louisiana, just as Android is king in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Plus, Blackberry continues to dominate in New York and Virginia.


According to the report:
The report also showed that Android continues to hold the top spot in terms of overall share (with iOS coming in a close second), but that iOS ads continue to outperform ads on other operating systems. “Our advertisers are requesting the most granular data available on mobile users so they can create the most targeted campaigns,” said Paran Johar, Chief Marketing Officer for Jumptap. “This new data reveals some interesting patterns for advertisers to consider when targeting consumers using Android devices vs. iOS devices.”
Interesting stuff, don't you think?

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