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New iPhone Buyers Are Trending Towards Verizon; AT&T Is The Android Choice

August 18, 2011
Five months ago, Chitika Insights collaborated with The Wall Street Journal and ran a study that looked at smartphone market share trends by cellphone provider. This month, they ran their study again to see if there were any changes. The results that came back were quite surprising. In just five months, Verizon’s market share of Android has decreased nearly 10 percent, while AT&T’s share of Android has increased five percent. Other carriers such as MetroPCS, US Cellular and Virgin have also seen about a five percent increase, while Sprint has remained the same. Verizon had the biggest impact in this study, as they have always been (and still are) the leader in Android market share. However, their lead is narrowing and it appears this is due to the number of Verizon Android users who are upgrading to the iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 was released in February, just one month before the initial study. Now that time has passed, those with upgrade opportunities at Verizon seem to be dumping their Android phones for the iPhone. A 10 percent decrease in Android devices seems pretty significant in only five months, especially for a carrier that sells top of the line Android handsets. As for the current iPhone market share, AT&T holds 76.1 percent and Verizon 23.9 percent.


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