![Turn Your Quick Notes Into Alerts With Alert Notes](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_1042.jpeg)
Turn Your Quick Notes Into Alerts With Alert Notes
![Alert Notes by Purkee Alert Notes by Purkee icon](https://s4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/120/Purple/6a/76/0c/mzm.pbgrdwlm.100x100-75.png)
Alert Notes ($2.99) by Purkee combines quick notes and reminders into a single app.
Are you the type that jots down notes about your next appointment into your phone? Have to call someone at a certain time? Alert Notes makes it very simple to jot down your note and be reminded of it too.
![Alert Notes by Purkee screenshot Alert Notes by Purkee screenshot](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_1044-200x300.jpg)
On the first launch, you'll get a simple tutorial popup that will explain briefly how to use the app. Once this message is dismissed, you will be able to use the app and make it work for you (or tap on Hints to show that message again).
The main view can be split into Current and Past notes. To create a new note, simply tap on the + button in the corner. From here, you'll get a space for entering in the text of your note. Simply enter in your note in plain English (e.g., Call Bob at 5 p.m., Meet John for lunch at Subway at 12 p.m.) and Alert Notes will take care of the rest.
The app will detect if you have a time, and it will have a reminder set to go off. If you enter in text like "everyday" or "every week," the app will also create a repeating reminder. Alert sound is set at Default, though you can choose from 11 other sounds, or no sound at all.
If your note has stuff like email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and even names or initials from your Address Book, Alert Notes will recognize them and make this information easy to access straight from the app.
A Search feature allows you to search through your notes in real-time as you type. Notes that are past their due date can be archived in the "Past" section for later viewing. The app also supports TextExpander Touch and can even offer persistent alarms so that you don't forget (think of it as your iPhone nagging you until you get it done).
![Alert Notes by Purkee screenshot Alert Notes by Purkee screenshot](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_1035-200x300.jpg)
While the app is certainly useful if you'd rather jot down notes instead of setting regular alarms, I think the price is a little high for what it does. Perhaps a $0.99, or even $1.99 price point is better than $3 for what is currently offered in the app.
It also wouldn't hurt to have some kind of online syncing service to keep all your notes backed up, kind of like what Due does with Dropbox. At least that would help make the $3 price tag seem better.
A simple little utility that can definitely help make your life easier, but I'd wait until it goes on sale before picking it up.