A Chance To Win A Babes Vs. Robots Promo Code With A Retweet Or Comment
September 27, 2011
AppAdvice has teamed up with Pyntail in order to offer you a chance to win one of 10 promo codes for Babes Vs. Robots ($.99) for iPhone and iPod touch.
Are you finally tired of playing with Angry Birds? Do you want something a little different from your physics-based puzzle game? If so, then it's about time you checked out Babes Vs. Robots. It's a new puzzle game where you get to play as Red Roxy, the only member of The Babes that was able to escape the grip of the invading robots, and you must blast the invaders into smithereens to save your friends and the planet!
In each of the 21 included levels you're provided with a limited supply of ammunition to destroy every last robot on the screen. Some of the robots are underneath indestructible objects while others will actually crash through objects to attack you after a given amount of time, so you must use your different types of ammunition -- rockets, sticky bombs, Molotov cocktails, etc. -- in the appropriate situations to complete your task.
You're able to align each of your shots by sliding your finger up and down the screen, and you can change the power of your shot by sliding left and right. A trail of smoke will appear after each shot, allowing you to better gauge the next one.
The game includes 21 levels with an additional 42 available via in-app purchase. It also features star ratings for each level, and local high scores.
To have a chance at winning one of three Babes Vs. Robots promo codes, simply hit that blue tweet button near the bottom of this page or retweet this post from your favorite Twitter app before 11:59 PM PDT tonight (September 27). We will then search the Twitterverse for all of the retweets and randomly choose our lucky winners. The winners will be notified via Twitter, so please be sure to follow us so we can send you your promo code via a direct message.
Non-Twitter users and those of you who want to increase your odds of winning can simply leave a relevant comment below before 11:59 PM PDT tonight to have a chance at winning one of the other seven promo codes.
Feel free to participate in the giveaway via either or both methods. Only one entry per person per method is allowed, totaling up to two entries per person if using both.