Decide-O-Tron Puts Personalized Game Recommendations In Your Pocket

Decide-o-tron (Free) by The Binary Mill is a quick and illustration-rich way to find new games to play for a multitude of systems. This Penny Arcade supported app functions in a way most similar to Netflix’ rating system, making it easier than ever to get customized video game suggestions from your iPhone.

As stated, Decide-o-tron suggests personalized gaming recommendations to the user in the same way that other apps like Ness provide personalized restaurant suggestions, or Netflix offers movie guides. When first launched, Decide-o-tron requests the users age, gender, and location (the first two seem more likely to be considered during the recommending process) as well as information about the user’s available systems. The included list is fairly comprehensive, offering everything from PC gaming right down to the Nintendo 64.
Users then start rating titles on a scale of one to five. Players can also link their PlayStation Network or Xbox Live accounts to Decide-o-tron, making it far easier to port their existing library to the app. When given enough data, the app shoots off to the Internet, returning with a personalized list of recommended games it believes the user will enjoy.
As with Ness or Netflix, users are free to search for more content like a specific title, or request that Decide-o-tron never again suggest games in the same sub-genre.
Users can also put games on their “wishlist” to receive news and updates about unreleased games. The player’s library is also saved in a compendium-style tab for viewing later, creating a kind of digital bookshelf.

Decide-o-tron is incredibly useful when one simply can’t find a new game to play. The recommendations were usually spot on, and like other recommendation systems, adding more ratings usually ironed out any irregularities. The included set of filters is also a great way to ensure users get the best results for their tastes.
However, there’s currently no option to tell Decide-o-tron that you have a Mac, and would very much like to play games available for the Mac platform. This is a bit of a drag, especially as having that functionality would make it far easier for us Apple-heads to find compatible games.
Other users have also complained about potential crashes, and though we didn’t experience any of that ourselves, we hear it’s a real epidemic. However, no matter which way you slice it, the app’s graphics (supplied by Penny Arcade themselves) are absolutely fantastic. If you’re a fan of the strip, you’ll love Decide-o-tron for that reason alone.
The app is a great way to get personalized game recommendations, and it comes at a fair price, to boot. If that sounds like a bargain, then head to the App Store and give Decide-o-tron a try.