Smule Wants You To Remix Your Life - With A New App
September 8, 2011
Smule, the very popular developer of music apps such a Ocarina, I Am T-pain and Glee is back at it today with a new app to help you make music.
Called MadPad, and available for the iPhone ($0.99) and iPad ($2.99), Smule's new app's concept is to allow you to create your own soundboards, based on any sound you want. You can use anything from a door slamming, a car driving by, even the sound of finishing a frozen latte, and remix these to make rythms and beats.
What makes the app so special is its interface. When recording clips for your soundboard, the app also saves what's going on with your camera. This way, your soundboard is actually a board of images with their associated sounds. It almost lets you see your beat, and it's really great. Recording is simple, and if you have some time to play around with it, you'll definitely have fun. Here it is on video:
Last, but not least, the app has a social aspect to it, that means it allows you to actually share your soundboards or recorded creations, so your friends can remix your life as well.
MadPad is available on the App Store now for $.99 on the iPhone, and $2.99 on the iPad, check it out.