A Chance To Win Monster Madness HD For iPad
October 29, 2011
AppAdvice has teamed up with Megatouch in order to offer you a chance to win one of five promo codes for Monster Madness HD ($.99) for iPad.
Monster Madness HD is a remove 'em-style matching game with a ghoulish theme. It started out in life as a barroom game, but now you can play it anytime, anywhere on your iPad.
Monster Madness HD includes two separate modes: Classic and Madness. In Classic Mode your job is to send all kinds of different monsters to their graves before time runs out by matching boxes. Boxes can be matched in groups of two or more. If you run out of matches a new set of blocks will rise up, requiring you to start the process all over again.
Madness Mode also has you racing against the clock, but instead of trying to send demons to their graves you must try and keep the blocks from passing a line at the top of the screen. Every 10 seconds new blocks are added to your stacks, pushing them higher and higher. You can earn power-ups like the ability to shuffle tiles and add bombs by clearing the board.
The game includes 12 levels for both modes, 16 character boxes, bonuses, and Game Center integration.
To have a chance at winning one of two Monster Madness HD promo codes, simply hit that blue tweet button near the bottom of this page or retweet this post from your favorite Twitter app before 11:59 PM PDT tonight (October 29). We will then search the Twitterverse for all of the retweets and randomly choose our lucky winners. The winners will be notified via Twitter, so please be sure to follow us so we can send you your promo code via a direct message.
Non-Twitter users and those of you who want to increase your odds of winning can simply leave a relevant comment below before 11:59 PM PDT tonight to have a chance at winning one of the other three promo codes.
Feel free to participate in the giveaway via either or both methods. Only one entry per person per method is allowed, totaling up to two entries per person if using both.