Credit Card Reader App Square Gets An Update
by Matthew Sims
November 16, 2011
Square, an app that allows you to accept credit card payments, has just released an update that adds several great new features. Started by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey in 2010, Square has seen steady growth and even recently announced that it does $11 million a day in mobile payments.
Reward regulars is one of the app's new features and it lets you define what makes a Card Case (Square's companion wireless payment app) customer a regular. You then can add a discount on certain transactions, letting them know you appreciate their loyalty and repeat business.
Another big feature, one that users have been clamoring for, is the ability to use Square for cash transactions. Using your iPad you can wirelessly print receipts or open your cash drawer to make change. While the initial setup of this feature may look intimidating, Square walks you through connecting your drawer and receipt printer on their site.
Overall you get way more than your money's worth with this update considering that the app and card reader are free. If you are just hearing about Square, they change a flat 2.75 percent fee per swipe for all credit cards. To update, enter the App Store then at the bottom tap the update tab.