Action Rabbit 5-in-1 Has Something For Everyone - Plus A Chance To Win A Copy!

ACTION RABBIT- 5 in1 Games ($0.99) by PLAYPIEGAMES Co., Ltd. is an arcade game that includes five cute mini games in one. The graphics are great and gameplay is simple, cute, and sometimes even humorous.

The first game is Prison Breakers. It's like Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, but with only one robot and lots of bunnies. The rabbits are in prison, apparently, and you want to prevent them from escaping … by punching them in the face. Just tap the left or right side of the screen to punch in that direction. That's right, punch the rabbits in the face before they try to destroy your robot. Be careful, as you only get one shot to punch them so make sure to wait until they are close enough for your stubby robot arms to reach. You're not Dhalsim, you know.
Popcorn Steal is probably my favorite. You're in a theater, sitting next to a couple. The goal of the game is to be a sneaky rabbit and steal the girl's popcorn from her without her knowing. It's simple enough: press and hold your finger anywhere on the screen to get your snack on. However, you must do so when the girl is crying (at the movie) or looking longingly over at her boyfriend next to her. If she sees you eating her popcorn she will explode, figuratively, and punch you in your rabbit mouth (girls are so vicious). Game over.
The third mini game is Mart Ride — or, as I like to call it, "carting." Have you ever gotten into a shopping cart when you were a teenager and had your friends push you as hard as they could into curbs, dumpsters, and other hazards? No? Oh. Never you mind, then. But that's kind of what this game is. You're in a cart and there are three lanes in which many obstacles may be in your way. Just tap the left, middle, or right lane to move your shopping cart there to avoid these things.
We've punched some bunnies, now let's talk about Bouquet Punching. Someone is getting married, and everyone wants to catch the bouquet. For whatever reason, though, the bouquets this bride throws aren't all flowery and safe. Some of the bouquets have bombs in them. So, apparently the bride is trying to kill you with these things (talk about a bridezilla). Tap on the bouquets before they hit the ground, but beware of the explosive ones. If you hit a bouquet with a bomb in it, it's over for you. Literally. I guess you won't be the next one getting married, but you can count on being the next one buried.
Should I stop with the bad puns yet?
Lastly, Ghost Hunter is a memory game. A ghostly rabbit will pop up behind different tombstones and you must remember the last one he appeared at and then tap it to continue on to the next level. This is pretty easy at first, but the rabbit will start to move more quickly and throw you off. You also only have mere seconds to tap the correct tombstone or you'll automatically lose.

Overall, these games are cute, simple, and fun. One thing I would like to see in future updates is Game Center integration. Other than that, this is a great game to help you pass the time. Action Rabbit is available in the App Store (iPhone only) for $0.99 and we also have one copy to giveaway below.
Giveaway: We have one copy of Action Rabbit to give to one lucky reader. For a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post (with a valid email address) by Monday, November 14 at 5 p.m. PST. We’ll pick the winner randomly. Good luck!