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Play Tabs With Perfect Guitar Song Book, Plus Win A Copy!

Play Tabs With Perfect Guitar Song Book, Plus Win A Copy!

November 15, 2011
Perfect Guitar Song Book by Florian Draschbacher icon

Perfect Guitar Song Book ($3.99) by Florian Draschbacher is customized to display guitar “tabs” (tabulars) while you play guitar.

Those familiar with finding tabs online know what a pain it is to print them out, and then find some way to prop up the paper while you play. Or you can just work straight from the screen, but what if you need to scroll down?

The Perfect Guitar Song Book app seeks to remedy the above issues by providing a useful interface that works well while both hands are occupied with your axe.

Perfect Guitar Song Book by Florian Draschbacher screenshot

Enter the song title and the artist and the built-in browser will Google the results. Copy the information from a site you find satisfactory and the app will dump it into your setup. An editor is available to go through and fix any formatting errors, or remove problems that managed to get caught in your copying.

Once that’s done, you can link it to the actual song on your iDevice to play along while you read the tab.

The two features that set this app apart from others is the ability to page down by touching the bottom area of the screen, and the “Shake2Scroll” option that does the same when your iDevice is nudged.

Shake2Scroll is a neat idea, though it didn’t work consistently for me. I propped my iPad on my desk and nudged the edge. The screen paged down. I tried the same motion a second time, and nothing. It finally moved once again on the fourth try. I did like how the tab will loop back to the top when you tap after reaching the bottom, though.

While the app works great, my vote for a tab player would go to Songsterr Plus. The fact that you have to input your own tabs essentially means that you’re paying for the interface and not the content. Songsterr Plus provides a wealth of pre-made tabs in a much sleeker package (and it's only $1 more expensive).

But that doesn’t mean you can’t try it out for yourself because we have some free copies for you!

GIVEAWAY: We have 10 codes for Perfect Guitar Song Book to giveaway to readers! Simply leave a comment about your favorite guitar along with a valid email address (so we can contact the winners) by Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 12 p.m. PST. We'll pick winners randomly. Good luck!

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Perfect Guitar Song Book
Perfect Guitar Song Book
Florian Draschbacher
Songsterr Plus
Songsterr Plus
Guitar Tabs LLC