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Tuesday: Everything We Didn't Cover

November 23, 2011
There are literally hundreds of new and updated apps joining the App Store on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it isn't always possible to cover all of these apps on a timely basis. Therefore, beginning this week, AppAdvice will publish this column, which we're calling, "Everything We Didn't Cover," offering the latest iOS news and app information. Enjoy! Late News Infinity Blade 2 - Preview Video #2 Released

Today, ChAIR released the second in a series Infinity Blade II documentary shorts, this one highlighting the game's visuals. The video features all-new game play footage and interview clips with ChAIR creative director Donald Mustard, technical director Geremy Mustard, and art director Adam Ford, who reveal more about the inspiration and process for achieving the look of Infinity Blade II. Infinity Blade II will be released for iOS on December 1 and cost $6.99 for use on both the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. New and Updated Apps HelloWallet, Free, iPhone/iPod touch This free app makes it easier for you to manager your money and get personalized guidance on how to pay down debut. MacHash News, Free, Universal The new Version 3.0 update to the popular Apple newsreader includes better scrolling and improved load times. Quotes Folder, $.99, iPhone/iPod touch This app offers a huge collection of quotes, maxims, aphorisms and proverbs to read and share across four languages. Touchnote Postcards for iPad, Free, iPad First released nearly two days ago, Touchnote Postcards is a suitable alternative to Apple’s own Cards app. Except in this case, it works on Apple’s tablet. Available as Touchnote Postcards on the iPhone/iPod touch Attention developers: If you would like your app to be considered here, please let me know by sending a tweet @bryanmwolfe.

Mentioned apps

MacHash News
Quotes Folder
Nestor Borgo
Touchnote Postcards for iPad
Touchnote Ltd
Touchnote Postcards
Touchnote Ltd

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