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AppAdvice Daily: Sonic CD, Grand Theft Auto III, Hipstamatic Disposable And More!

AppAdvice Daily: Sonic CD, Grand Theft Auto III, Hipstamatic Disposable And More!

December 17, 2011
It's Friday, so let's wrap up the week with new apps, app updates, trivia questions, and our Viewer Pick of the Week. Today's Trivia Question: Nearly four percent of all Hollywood movies made between 1950 and 1965 (hundreds of films), showed someone dying or in danger from this, but nobody has died onscreen from it since 2001. What is IT?

Mentioned apps

Sonic CD
Sonic CD
Hipstamatic Disposable
Hipstamatic Disposable
Synthetic Corp
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto 3
Rockstar Games
MovieCat! - Movie Trivia Game
MovieCat! - Movie Trivia Game
OtherWise Games

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