Experience Cabo San Lucas To The Fullest With Cabo Insider

Cabo Insider ($2.99) by Sutro Media is a universal travel app that gives users the inside scoop on all the happenings in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Developed by award-winning travel writer Janice Mucalov, the app includes many unique places that visitors would often miss. The app is organized by entry, with each being a different location or activity. By default, the browse tab entries are organized alphabetically, but users can filter by different types of activities and choose to sort entries by name, distance, cost, or neighborhood.

Under each entry on the browse screen, users can view the location and price of that activity. Tapping on an entry will take users to another screen where they can view more detailed information. Activity information includes a phone number, website, location, price, as well as a couple of paragraphs about the activity. From here, users can comment on, share (email to a friend), or favorite an activity. They can also click on in-app links and website links to view similar activities in the area.
The app includes many high quality pictures of events and places in Cabo. Users can view these through the photo tab. Once again, the photos can be sorted by category. Every photo has a location attached to it and users can click on the name to navigate to the activity information. The map tab shows users the geographical location of an activity, as well as nearby activities. Zooming in on the screen, users will view a picture of each location on the map. The activities can also be sorted by category. Tapping on the photo location will prompt users to visit that activity page or get directions to that location. Selecting get directions will take users to the standard map app, where the location will already be plugged in.
The final tab is comments, where users who have been to different places can add their opinions on events and locations. This is useful for getting additional opinions on places you were considering visiting.
Aside from Cabo tips, the app also includes a link to other Sutro Media travel guides. If you find that Cabo Insider helped with your travel plans, check out the other available guides. The link is a small square picture in the top right corner. Click on that same image when looking at the other guides to go back to Cabo Insider.
Overall, traveling is a costly activity. Make the best of your time in Cabo with Cabo Insider. The app is very useful for those planning to visit this beautiful location and has the potential to make your trip great. If you are traveling to Cabo, I highly recommend this app to enhance your experience.