The Grammar Strikes Back In Dynamic English Lessons - Prepositions

Dynamic English Lessons - Prepositions ($0.99) by Dynamic English Lessons is the second edition of the series. This time around, the lesson is all about prepositions.
My English teacher, Mr. V., made us memorize all of the prepositions in seventh grade. I could rattle off the prepositions with the best of them, but it was really just rote memorization. This app is a much better approach.

What’s unique about this app is that it provides relevant instruction for those who are learning the English language, presented in a contemporary lesson.
The different categories for activities include: technology, entertainment, work, out & about, home, and food & drink. Completing all of those activities unlocks the “sealed section,” (kind of like the restricted library at Hogwarts, but filled with fun and naughty topics, rather than horcruxes).
Each section includes 10 questions, with a couple of different ways to answer them. For the most part, the questions are “cloze” activities, where a word (in this case, a preposition) will be omitted from a sentence. Touch the cloud where the gap is and a choice of four paper airplanes, each with a preposition on them, will appear.
By not immediately showing the possible answers, the user has a chance to guess what preposition would work, which is definitely a way to practice his or her mastery.
An in-app dictionary grows as you encounter new prepositions. It will provide a definition, along with example sentences. Since some prepositions can be used in multiple contexts, each one is treated separately.
I think the developer has definitely tapped a sincere need for English language learners. English is a really fun language, with a lot of nuances and craziness. However, all of the language’s color is lost in traditional grammar lessons. The modern categories and real world questions make this a high-interest activity.
Even better, this edition is universal, working on the iPhone and iPad. So check it out! Yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition. Sorry, Mr. V.