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TapShot Lets You Customize Your Camera

December 16, 2011

TapShot ($0.99) by Two Teeth Technologies is a new camera app that is totally customizable. You decide which features you want, how you access them, and how your display should look.

First, tap Customize Actions to see what I mean. You decide whether you want a single tap to Take a Photo, Burst 3, Burst 5, Burst 10, Continuous Burst, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Lock/Unlock Focus, Lock/Unlock Exposure, Lock/Unlock WB, Lock/Unlock All, Reset locks/zoom, Toggle light, Set foc/exp point, Toggle camera, Camera Roll, Exp Bracketing x6, or Disabled. And that’s just ONE gesture, Single Tap.

You also get to choose which of the above actions Double Tap, Triple Tap, Hold Tap, Swipe Left, Swipe Right, Swipe Up, Swipe Down, Multi-Touch, and Face Detect will control.

Now tap Customize Interface to decide how you want your camera to look. Do you like all your features laid out right on the screen or do you prefer a minimalist approach? Toggle your Tap Hints, Swipe Hints, Gridlines, Flashlight Button, Auto Flash Button, Photo Album, and Capture Button on or off for just the look you want.

This is an extremely feature-rich camera replacement app for people who just don’t feel that the native camera is sufficient. I wouldn’t call it an all-in-one camera, because it doesn’t offer editing. This is strictly for taking photos. One thing I don’t love is that even with all the icons/hints toggled off, the interface still displays a frame which narrows your point of view. Personally, I like to see the entire screen while I’m shooting, but that’s not necessarily important to everyone.

TapShot is what I’d call a niche app. It’s a worthwhile purchase for people who want features like burst, zoom, focus/exposure/WB set/lock, exposure bracketing, and face detection. What really makes this app stand out from the crowd is the ability to choose which features you want to have and how you want to access them.

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Two Teeth Technologies

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