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AppAdvice Presents AppStart For iPhone: You'll Love It

AppAdvice Presents AppStart For iPhone: You'll Love It

January 4, 2012
We made the AppStart app for the iPad, and it was a huge hit. This app was not only the perfect starter kit for new iPad users, but it was a great guide for veterans looking to improve their iPad experience through apps and information. AppStart app for the iPad truly changed the lives of millions of iPad users; even Apple retail store employees would suggest it for new iPad owners. Well, not only have we updated the iPad app, we’ve done it again … for the iPhone! We are excited to announce that AppStart for iPhone is finally here: your one stop shop for all your iPhone app needs. We here at AppAdvice have all worked very hard on this — bringing you the best of the best for your iPhone.

Need to know which apps to put on that brand new iPhone 4S you got over the holidays? We’ve got the perfect bundle — and every category and tutorial you’ll need — to get you off on the right foot. Confused about how iCloud works? Want to know how to make better use of your iPhone’s amazing camera? AppStart for iPhone has it all. We didn’t just rehash AppStart for the iPad. Oh, no. We’ve implemented fresh, new content and an innovative and gorgeous design we think you’re really going to love.

We wanted to create a stream-lined magazine-like user experience, one to set the standard of other apps, and we think we nailed it. The buttonless navigation makes the app easy to use, and pleasant to look at. Because we’re planning on launching our very own magazine, which we want to be similar in concept, we thought the sleek gestures and easy to navigate design was perfect. So, grab AppStart for iPhone and tell your friends! And tell us what you think about the new app in the comments below. Next up, AppAdvice for your Newsstand — then … the world! AppStart for iPhone is hot off the presses and in the App Store for FREE! [gallery]

Mentioned apps

AppStart for iPad (2012 Edition)
AppStart for iPad (2012 Edition)
AppStart for iPhone
AppStart for iPhone

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