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A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card To Be Used Towards In-App Content In VoteMe

A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card To Be Used Towards In-App Content In VoteMe

February 18, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with Bamboo Apps, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of three $10 iTunes Gift Cards, which can be used towards the purchase of in-app content in VoteMe for iPhone and iPod touch. Do you think you have what it takes to become America's first social president? Prove it by starting up and managing your own campaign in VoteMe. To get your campaign off the ground you'll need to start with the basics in order to let the world know who you really are. So, before doing anything, you'll need to sign into your Facebook account through VoteMe so it can pull a profile picture in and provide you with a means to campaign. Then it's time to fill in your personal profile with things like the state you're running in, a short biography, your political program, photos of yourself, and your background story. After everything looks in order, it's time to get the word out! It's best to invite friends and family who share the same views and interests as you at first, because they will help you further your reach. You can also send out small gifts and other campaign items to entice those who haven't quite settled on a candidate. After you have a decent following, you'll want to make sure that you keep them engaged by updating your campaign status with quality content. Of course, VoteMe isn't just about you. You can follow the status of your friends, vote for other candidates around the country, and even vote for real candidates and see how your opinion compares with the rest of the country. Although you're awarded with points in game for the different ways you go about campaigning, which can be used to send out those snazzy gifts and hire help, building them up can take a lot of time. To get points even quicker and to get your campaign moving forward faster, you're able to purchase all kinds of in-app content with real money. But not all of us are loaded with cash, which is why we're offering up a chance to win one of three $10 iTunes Gift Cards! To have a chance at winning one of our three $10 iTunes Gift Cards, simply leave a comment below before 11:59 p.m. PST tonight (Feb. 18) telling us why you think you're the best person to become America's first social president. We’ll randomly choose our three winners from the comments and get in touch via email as soon as possible! Only one entry per person is allowed, and you must have a U.S. iTunes account to participate.

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