The Siri Port To End All Siri Ports: Say Hello To i4Siri
by Ammaar Reshi
February 21, 2012
The Siri ports just don't stop coming in. Last week we told you about Sara and the week before we did a comparison of the best proxies out there. Now, we have received word of a new jailbreak tweak that plans to bring Siri to most older generation iOS devices for free.
The i4Siri tweak has been in development for quite a while and is expected in a few weeks (or even days, the developers are not sure). The tweak has been thorougly tested, and has literally had thousands of people on one server at a time. This did not affect performance or response time. Also, unlike other servers that rely on iPhone 4S keys, i4Siri uses the Google API. Their method is explained below:
The tweak is said to support the following features so far:
- Jokes
- Smart bot (Conversation and smart conversations)
- Notes. (View, create, delete etc.)
- Weather (Current location, other locations, past present tense)
- Time (Current location, other locations)
- Timer (Create timer of seconds, minutes hours, pause, stop,)
- Wolfram Alpha API (Who is Steve jobs, math)
- Map injection
- Dictation
- Plugins
- and more