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AfterFocus Brings DSLR-Like Photography To Your iPhone

March 20, 2012
As I have mentioned before, I'm a really big fan of photography. I have a DSLR, but I find myself using my iPhone for the majority of my picture taking. While using my iPhone, however, I miss certain facets of photography that you can really only experience using a DSLR, such as aperture control. This is where new app AfterFocus ($0.99) from MotionOne may just come in handy. Using AfterFocus you can apply DSLR style background blurring by simply selecting a focus area. Not wanting to be a one trick pony, AfterFocus also includes a few filters to further improve your photography. AfterFocus features (from the app description):
  • Smart focus area selection - simply draw some lines inside a focus area and the background, then AfterFocus will automatically recognize the focus area. You can also select the area with traditional finger painting.
  • Background Blur effect - you can create the most realistic blur effect with various aperture styles just like DSLR camera. To emphasize that certain things move, Motion blur effect is also available.
  • Filter effect - AfterFocus offers from basic effects to professional effects like Cross Process without looking artificial. Also, you can emphasize the spot light on the background using Bokeh effect.
  • Double photo - take a picture of one object and move slightly to the right to take another picture of the same object, and it will analyze the images and recognize the nearest object, so there is no need to draw the focus area.
  • Easy share - you can share through e-mails and SMS easily and simply.
While the results are not quite perfect, you will certainly be able to get some interesting and quite impressive results from AfterFocus. At such a low price you can't expect Photoshop quality photo maniplulation from AfterFocus, nor will you get it, but it will certainly be at home in my "Photography" folder. Have you tried AfterFocus? I'd love to see some of your efforts. Please feel free to share some links in the comments below.

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