AppGuide Updated: iPad News Apps
March 13, 2012
The iPad has revolutionized the way we get our news by delivering it in a way that is customized to your own personal interests. Your arms will no longer get tired holding up and flipping through newspapers. You'll no longer be accidentally poking your neighbor on the bus. The iPad screen shines as you enjoy your favorite news content. Here is our take on some of the best apps for getting your news. Some apps have their own news content while others work as newsreaders, pulling in information from several newswires and websites. Also, some of these apps will download into Apple’s Newstand, which are noted. Be sure to check if your local newspaper has an app as well, as they are not covered in this list. It's worth downloading several of these apps (particularly the free ones) and seeing which ones suit your tastes, as they have very different looks and feels. And don’t forget to check out AppAdvice for all your daily iOS News!